Monday, June 04, 2012

8 Parts of Speech: Words that matter

Persuasive writing makes a single, focused argument, and even the most basic communications must prove or demonstrate a thesis through explanations, examples and concrete details. 

All this week, my blogs will focus on words -- words that matter.

Sometimes we have to go back to the basics to write and analyze the most compelling brand stories.

For example, remember the 8 basic parts of speech:
  1. Nouns
  2. Pronouns
  3. Verbs
  4. Adverbs
  5. Adjectives
  6. Interjections
  7. Prepositions
  8. Conjunctions
How we use them, and how we connect them, makes a difference.

I feature several lists of words that matter in my upcoming book, N-of-8.

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