Monday, December 05, 2011

Innovation Institute helps "unleash your creative core"

On a recent business trip, I enjoyed reading about the Innovation Institute in Charlotte, NC.

The article in the US Airways magazine described how it helps executives unleash their creative abilities -- as well as those within their companies.  Participants at the Innovation Institute work with expert facilitators and professional artists explore topics such as “Unlocking the Creative Voice,” “Pushing the Edge” and “The Value of Failure.”  

Suzanne Fetscher, then the president of the McColl Center for Visual Art,
founded Innovation Institute in 2005. It was her vision that forged a connection around the topic of creativity between the corporate community of Charlotte and McColl Center for Visual Art.

Fetscher recognized that artists, who live and breathe the creative process as part of daily life, could provide a uniquely meaningful contribution to corporations and other organizations seeking to instill creativity and innovative ideas among their leaders.

You can read the entire article entitled "Cultivating Creativity" at

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